
Events in the Cotswolds: Witcombe Festival August 2023

August 21, 2023

Events in the Cotswolds: Witcombe Festival August 2023


Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Gloucestershire, the Witcombe Festival has swiftly emerged as one of the UK's fastest-growing music festivals. From its inception, it has garnered substantial attention, drawing in not only locals but attendees from across the nation, all converging on the lush green expanses to celebrate both music and cider.

As we edge closer to August, there's an air of palpable excitement. This year is not just any year for the Witcombe Festival; 2023 marks its 10th Anniversary. While every year at Witcombe is memorable, the 10th Anniversary promises to be exceptionally so, laden with surprises and heightened anticipation. This isn't merely a testament to its longevity but a celebration of a decade filled with memories, music, and the mellowness of cider.

The Journey of the Witcombe Festival: A Retrospective

The story of Witcombe Festival is a tale of passion, community, and the enduring love for music and cider. Let's delve into its history, tracing its roots from a modest cider gathering to the musical phenomenon it is today.

Humble Beginnings: The inception in 2012

When Joe Pointon began crafting his own organic cider, "Pointon’s Cider", little did he realise he was laying the foundation for something much grander. With more cider than one could possibly drink, Joe hatched an idea - a community gathering, a party to celebrate this bountiful brew. And so, with just a single marquee, a few local bands, a collection of ciders, and X-factor finalist Kitty Brucknell as the main attraction, the Witcombe Cider Festival was born at the Witcombe Cricket Club. With 200 attendees, the atmosphere was intimate, yet electrifying, setting the tone for its exponential growth in the years to come.

The Evolution: From cider celebration to a massive music festival

Over the years, what started as a celebration of cider gradually morphed into a full-fledged music festival. By 2018, the need for a larger venue became evident, leading to a shift to Brockworth to accommodate the surge of 'Witcombers'. The word 'cider' was dropped from its name in 2020, symbolising its evolution and broadening horizons. However, while the music took centre stage, the heart of the festival - cider - remained undiminished.

Highlights from previous years: Major headliners and memorable moments

It's hard to encapsulate all the moments that make Witcombe Festival truly special, but certain highlights stand out. The festival has hosted an array of British and international icons - from the fiery beats of Sean Paul and the soulful tunes of Craig David to the electrifying performances of Rudimental and Basement Jaxx. Each year has consistently upped the ante, with 2022 drawing in a staggering 25,000 attendees, making it a record-breaking event. But more than the numbers or the big names, it's the moments of shared joy, the collective sing-alongs, and the communal cheers with cider in hand that have etched the Witcombe Festival into the annals of the UK's festival history.

Witcombe Festival 2023: What to Expect

As summer beckons, the whispers and rumours around Witcombe Festival are becoming more palpable. And why not? This year isn't just another year; it marks the festival's 10th anniversary, and the organisers promise a celebration like never before.

The 10th Anniversary Special: A teaser for what's in store

Celebrating a decade is no small feat, especially in the fiercely competitive world of music festivals. The Witcombe team promises an immersive experience this time around, fusing music, art, and (of course) cider, to offer attendees a multi-sensory extravaganza. While they're keeping the full details under wraps, attendees can expect unique installations, special edition ciders, and a few surprise acts to mark this monumental year.

The importance of the festival in Gloucester's event calendar

It's undeniable: the Witcombe Festival has become a cornerstone event for Gloucester. The local economy witnesses a noticeable boost, with hotels, restaurants, and shops bustling with festival-goers. Moreover, it's become a source of local pride. From employing residents to involving local businesses, the festival has fostered a deep connection with the Gloucester community. This symbiotic relationship ensures that both the festival and the community thrive together.

The 2023 Lineup (so far)

The 2023 lineup is shaping up to be a showstopper. While the full list is yet to be unveiled, here's a sneak peek:

Main Stage acts

Ella Henderson: With her soaring vocals and emotive songs, Ella is set to mesmerise.

Kano: Grime's poster boy is back, promising a fiery performance full of hard-hitting bars and beats.


Becky Hill: Expect a set filled with dance anthems and powerful vocals.

Redlight: Known for his genre-blending style, Redlight will surely get the tent buzzing.


This stage will predominantly spotlight emerging talents and local acts, ensuring the spirit of the Witcombe Festival – nurturing and showcasing music in all its forms – remains intact.

From veterans of the music scene to exciting newcomers, the 10th anniversary of the Witcombe Festival is shaping up to be its most memorable edition yet.

Essential Information for Attendees

Navigating a festival of Witcombe's stature can seem a tad overwhelming, especially for first-timers. However, equipped with the right information, you can make the most of this musical bonanza. From how to get there to gluten-free indulgence on offer, here's a concise guide to make your Witcombe experience smooth.

Dates and Location

The grandeur of Witcombe's 10th anniversary will unfold from 25 Aug 2023 - 27 Aug 2023. The entire festival will take place at its iconic venue – the Witcombe Cricket Club in Gloucester.

How to get to Witcombe Cricket Club, Gloucester

By Car: The club is easily accessible by car. There will be signposts guiding festival-goers from the main roads.

By Public Transport: Gloucester Station is well connected by trains from all major cities. From the station, there are frequent bus services and taxis available to take you straight to the festival site.

Events in Gloucester: Making the most of your visit

While the festival is bound to be the highlight of your visit, Gloucester offers its own set of attractions. From the majestic Gloucester Cathedral to the bustling Gloucester Quays, make sure to set aside some time to explore this historic city.

Ticket Information and Pricing

Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday tickets

Weekend Ticket: For those eager to soak in the complete Witcombe experience. Prices start at £118.45.

Special offers and discounts

Keep an eye out for early bird offers which grant a substantial discount for the eager beavers. Additionally, exclusive promo codes are occasionally released on the festival's social media channels – yet another reason to follow them!

Facilities and Amenities: Parking, Camping, and More

Parking: A spacious parking area is available near the festival site. It's advisable to pre-book your spot, given the rush.

Camping: For those looking to immerse themselves fully, camping options range from basic pitches to luxurious glamping experiences.

Other Amenities: The festival ensures the comfort of its attendees with facilities like charging stations, clean toilets, and safe lockers.

Gluten-free fish and chips at the festival: A treat for the health-conscious

Catering to the diverse dietary preferences of its attendees, the festival proudly introduces gluten-free fish and chips this year. Prepared with the freshest ingredients and under stringent hygiene conditions, this is a treat you wouldn't want to miss, even if you're not gluten-intolerant!

Equipped with this guide, your Witcombe Festival experience promises to be memorable, convenient, and filled with melody.

Reviews and Recollections: Memories from Past Festivals

The music, the vibe, the energy – each year at the Witcombe Festival has been distinct, leaving attendees with cherished memories. Here, we delve into some standout moments from the recent past and shed light on the voices of those who've been part of this musical journey.

Looking back: Witcombe Cider Festival 2019 Reviews and Line Up Times

2019 – it seems like a lifetime ago. That year's festival, still referred to as the Witcombe Cider Festival, was a glorious celebration of sound. Acts like Rag ‘n’ Bone Man graced the stage, playing their most iconic tracks, much to the fans' delight.

The line-up timings were precise, ensuring minimal overlap and giving festival-goers the chance to dash between stages without missing their favourites. Reviews from the time extolled the flawless organisation, diverse musical acts, and the unbeatable ambiance, setting the benchmark for future editions.

Spotlight on 2022: The Surge in Attendance and the "Super Sold Out Sunday"

2022 saw a remarkable surge in festival attendees. With a line-up that boasted some of the music industry's biggest names, tickets were snapped up at a record pace. And then came the "Super Sold Out Sunday" – a day that witnessed an unprecedented number of music enthusiasts thronging the venue, turning the grounds into a sea of excitement and dance.

This wasn't just about the numbers, though; the air was thick with anticipation, and the collective energy was palpable. The magic of "Super Sold Out Sunday" will likely remain a topic of conversation for years to come.

Feedback from Festival-goers: Common Praises and Complaints

It's essential to highlight the voices of the most vital stakeholders of any festival: the attendees. Over the years, feedback from festival-goers has been largely positive. Praises often revolve around the vibrant atmosphere, world-class sound quality, and the friendly spirit of fellow attendees.

However, constructive criticism has also emerged. Some pointed out the need for more diverse food options while others expressed a desire for better crowd management during peak performances. The festival, in its essence, values this feedback, continually striving to enhance the Witcombe experience for all.

Reliving these moments reminds us of the festival's essence – it's more than just music; it's about the shared experience, the memories created, and the tales we carry forward. Here's to many more years of songs, laughter, and memories at Witcombe!

Preparing for the Festival: Tips for First-Timers and Veterans Alike

Heading to the Witcombe Festival, whether for the first time or the tenth, is an exhilarating experience. However, to ensure that the experience is not just memorable but also seamless and enjoyable, it's crucial to come prepared. Here are some tips and recommendations to make the most of your time at the festival.

What to Bring and What to Leave at Home

What to Bring:

  • Weather-appropriate clothing: Though summer festivals can be warm, evenings might get chilly. Always check the forecast and pack a light jacket or raincoat just in case.
  • Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is essential. Many festivals now have water refill stations, so a water bottle is a must.
  • Portable charger: Keeping your phone charged can be a lifesaver, especially if you’re trying to reconnect with friends.
  • Comfortable footwear: You'll be on your feet for most of the day, so comfort is paramount.
  • Cash and card: While many stalls might accept cards, having some cash on hand is always a good idea.

What to Leave at Home:

  • Valuables: It's best to keep jewellery and other pricey items at home to avoid potential loss or theft.
  • Large bags: These can be cumbersome to carry around and might not be allowed in certain areas.
  • Anything prohibited: Check the festival's official guidelines for a list of banned items.

Staying Safe and Having Fun: Best Practices for Festival Enjoyment

  • Stay Hydrated: Dancing and being out in the sun can be dehydrating. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Protect your ears: If you’re right by the speakers, consider using earplugs to protect against prolonged exposure to loud music.
  • Stick with friends: Always let someone know where you're going, and try to move around in groups.
  • Respect boundaries: Remember that everyone is there to have a good time. Always ask for consent and be respectful of others’ personal space.

Finding Nearby Events in Gloucester for Extending the Festivities

The fun doesn’t have to stop when the festival does! Gloucester is bustling with events and attractions. From intimate gigs at local pubs to historical sites and tours, there's plenty to explore.

Local music venues: Check out venues for post-festival gigs.

Historical attractions: Take a day off from the music and explore Gloucester's rich history at sites like Gloucester Cathedral

Dining and nightlife: Gloucester boasts a diverse culinary scene. Discover local eateries or enjoy the nightlife at vibrant bars.

With these tips in mind, both newcomers and seasoned festival-goers can ensure a hassle-free and enjoyable time at the Witcombe Festival. Here’s to unforgettable memories and a brilliant festival experience!


As the curtains begin to rise on another edition of the Witcombe Festival, it's essential to take a moment and reflect on the journey it has been and the extravaganza that awaits in 2023.

A Recap of the Significance of the Witcombe Festival in 2023

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Witcombe Festival this year is not just another music festival; it's a testament to a decade of music, memories, and shared experiences. From its modest beginnings in 2012 to the colossal event it has grown into today, the festival holds a special place in the hearts of music lovers from across the UK and beyond. The 2023 edition promises to be even more significant with special line-ups, features, and surprises marking its decennial celebration.

Encouragement for Readers to Secure Their Tickets and Join the Celebration

For those still on the fence or considering attending the festival, now's the time to take the plunge. Secure your tickets and become a part of a musical legacy. The Witcombe Festival isn't just about the tunes or the headliners; it's about the collective spirit, the shared laughter, and the unforgettable nights spent under the starry Gloucester sky. So, come along, join the celebration, and add your story to the rich tapestry of the Witcombe Festival.

Here's to music, memories, and the moments that make life magical. Cheers to the Witcombe Festival 2023!

References and Links

As you prepare for the Witcombe Festival 2023, it's always best to stay updated with the latest information and details from trusted sources. Below are the primary references and links to help you stay in the loop:

Official Website Link to Purchase Tickets

For the most secure and direct ticket purchases, always visit the official Witcombe Festival website. Not only will this provide a seamless ticketing experience, but it also ensures you have access to any special offers or promotions.

Visit the official Witcombe Festival website here.

Social Media Handles for Live Updates and Announcements

In the age of digital communication, staying updated via social media is both quick and convenient. Follow the official Witcombe Festival social media handles for real-time updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exciting announcements:

Be sure to check regularly, especially as the festival date approaches, for the latest news and updates.

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